Our Services

At Arundel Chiropractic Centre we provide a number of specialised services to help you not only feel your best but also perform at your best.

Active Release Technique (A.R.T.)

Active Release Techniques (ART)  is a patented, non-invasive, soft tissue treatment process that both locates and releases the scar/ fibrotic tissue and adhesions  associated with repetitive strain  and other soft tissue injuries that cause pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness and other related physical dysfunctions

When compared to other medical procedures, ART can reduce the cost of RSI and other injury treatment, residual care, and lost productivity to just 1/10th of today’s normal costs. Even better, ART is able to resolve the true cause of many of the dysfunctions, by providing more than just a symptomatic solution.

ART is NOT massage and is not like other soft tissue or myofascial techniques. There are many soft tissue treatment techniques that are currently in vogue and available to patients today. Many of these claim to achieve results similar to ART but most are unable to achieve the same remarkable success rates.

Applied Kinesiology (A.K.)

Applied Kinesiology(AK) is a specialized branch of Chiropractic originated by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964 whereby the testing of muscle responses by the practitioner is used  as a form of biofeedback to detect disturbances in the body/mind much like a portable polygraph machine.  AK is based on the fact that the nervous system response as monitored via the muscle response is unerring and gives us a means to use the body as an instrument of neurofeedback analysis and evaluation that is unparalleled in modern therapeutics. AK has come a long way  since its inception and is now embraced and acknowledged by health professionals from many disciplines all over the world who contribute to its ongoing development.

Manual and Technology Assisted Adjustments

There are many manual techniques which we use as part of our adjusting/ manipulation compendium to improve biomechanics and overall function of the spinal tissues and the extremities. Manual adjustments usually involve a hand applied short thrust to a skeletal structure in a specific vector to correct dysfunctional movement patterns leading to proprioceptive signalling dysfunction. This thrust may result in a “pop” or “crack” due to momentary pressure change within the joint as it releases. The “crack” heard is Not an “out of place bone going back into place” as many lay people seem to think.

Technological adjustment methods used include the manually operated Activator instrument which delivers an adjustable very low amplitude thrust at very high velocity. This can be modulated down to the tiniest, barely detectable and totally safe impulse suitable for use with babies and the most fragile elderly patient. We also use an electronic version of this which delivers a rapid succession of impulses of variable intensity and amplitude.

Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.)

NET is a cutting edge mind/body stress reduction technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurologic imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. Recent discoveries in molecular biology  acknowledge that 95% of all disease is related to stress and that the bulk of this stress is subconsciousie i.e we are not consciously aware of it. By powerfully and quickly removing emotional origin stress from the body/mind, NET can have a major impact on improving emotional and physical health. Further, it is acknowledged that up to 98% of our conscious thoughts, beliefs, attitudes  and behaviours are controlled by our subconscious programming. NET provides a means to swiftly access and change negative or obstructive subconscious programming.

It’s important to note that NET does not “cure” or “treat” any condition but rather detects and removes emotional blocks to the natural innate healing intelligence) of the body, allowing the body to heal itself naturally.

Medkey/Physio Key

The Medkey and Physiokey are instruments that are a derivative of the Russian SCENAR technology originally developed for their space program. It is a microcurrent based neurofeedback adaptive regulator which can powerfully assist with accelerating and improving cellular healing and function by dramatically improving the bio-electric communication between the brain and a dysfunctional body region. It is particularly useful in quickly eliminating or diminishing pain, muscle spasm and restricted movement.


Life throws many curve balls and sometimes we need help navigating through the tough times. Our Psychologist is very easy going and nothing phases her. She has a great ability to sit with people through all walks of life and help them feel safe and comfortable as they engage in the therapeutic process.

Our Psychologist deals predominantly with clients aged 12 and beyond, within a cognitive therapy framework which helps them recognise how their thoughts and beliefs regarding their life issues are what lead to emotional pain and suffering. She utilises many other treatment modalities to compliment her practice including mindfulness, schema therapy, motivational interviewing and psychodynamic therapy. She is also trained in administering intelligence testing e.g. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.

Manual Soft Tissue Techniques other than ART

We utilise various more traditional soft tissue treatment techniques in addition to previously discussed ART including trigger point, origin /insertion, neurolymphatic stimulation and deep fascial massage to help to relieve pain and improve function by targeting muscles, tendons, fascia and other connective tissues.

Total Body Modification (T.M.B.)

TBM is a specialised chiropractic technique that involves locating and removing interference in our master control system, the brain and nervous system, particularly our autonomic or involuntary nervous system. TBM utilises a complex method of kinesiological and acupuncture point stimulation, chiropractic release/realignments, emotional releases and nutritional corrections.

TBM was developed by U.S. chiropractor, Dr. Victor Frank, over many years in conjunction with a group of practitioners from all over the world.

Thompson Technique

The Thompson Technique is a complete spinal subluxation analysis and adjusting technique that utilises a uniquely designed “segmental drop table” to effortlessly magnify the force being applied to the joint or segment being adjusted. The patient remains comfortable throughout the procedures and there is little need to move the patient’s body much compared with manual adjusting.