Dr Maria Downey

Dr Maria Downey has been in practise for 30 years and has developed an all ages family based practise along with a special interest in youth sports, treating and caring for the developing athlete. As a past 400m runner and a parent of two elite athletes, she understands the whole development of an athlete from the beginning, not just as a practitioner but also as a parent

She enjoys working with active, health conscious people participating in Chiropractic care helping them to recover from and prevent injuries. Dr Maria has a passionate interest in treating women from the developing teen to post menopause.

As a parent of six children she has a strong understanding of what it takes to manage a large family in today’s world and strive to stay well and keep everyone else healthy and injury free working on managing stress and its effects on the body.

Dr Mark Brown

Dr Mark Brown has been in practice for 33 years. He previously had also fully qualified as a solicitor in Queensland. His passion is peak human health and function- p[hysically, chemically and emotionally -which has led him to study intensively in numerous diverse fields and modalities . He has been an elite gymnast in his youth and then spent many years training in various martial arts. He has a particular interest in the Non-dual understanding of the nature of the mind, body and world.

He has established a wide ranging family based practise encompassing all ages but has also been a chiropractor to numerous celebrities , movie stars and elite sports people .

He is skilled in and utilises a wide diversity of chiropractic techniques and related modalities and technologies,.

He extensively utilises Applied Kinesiology, a branch of study within Chiropractic utilising functional neurologic testing to detect,analyse and correct disturbances in the neurologic control mechanism manifesting as disturbances in physiologic expression.

He extensively utilises Neuro Emotional Technique( NET) ,having practised same for 30 years and being one of the first Doctors in Australia to incorporate this technique in his practice.

He extensively utilises ART( Active Release Techniques) ,widely acknowledged by many health professionals as one of the most effective soft tissue treatment methods ever developed.

He utilises the German Physiokey instrument , a derivative of the Russian SCENAR technology originally developed for their space program. It is a microcurrent based neurofeedback adaptive regulator which can powerfully assist with accelerating and improving cellular healing and function and particularly useful in quickly eliminating or diminishing pain , muscle spasm and restricted movement.

Mark has a strong interest in diet ,nutrition and lifestyle practises and their relationship to the current widespread problem of metabolic syndrome and its broad reaching manifestations in modern people.



Chiropractic is the largest drug free, primary health care profession in the Western world. It is based on the scientific fact that the human body  is both self-regulating and self healing, and it is the control via the brain and nervous system that allows this. For health and vitality, our brain and nervous system need to function without interference. Because of its intimate and integral relationship with the delicate brain and nervous system, malfunction/misalignment of the structural elements of the body (bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments fascia etc), particularly the protective bones of the skull and spine, may interfere with optimal nervous system signalling and brain function and thereby markedly impact healthy cellular and body function.

 Most people come into the Arundel Chiropractic Centre believing chiropractic is about treating only their spinal structure and getting rid of pain and symptoms from their body particularly their joints, muscles etc. They see Chiropractors manipulating (” adjusting”) the joints and soft tissues particularly that of the spine, and they think that that is all it is about. They are literally stunned to learn and most importantly, experience, that it is so much more. They learn that it is particularly about helping to optimise the brain and nervous system function and releasing interference and stress from this master control mechanism of their body. The structure of the body is a key entry point into the “bio-computer”. They learn that we are also bio-electric beings not just biochemical and structural ones. We demonstrate, and patients experience,  how chiropractic treatment may benefit, powerfully and tangibly, their entire global physiology and cellular function, not just their structure  and pain. Since ultimately all symptoms and diseases are comprised of clusters of cells in different regions of the body in varying states of sub-optimal function, anything that improves the control mechanism and bio-electric signalling helps, to some degree ,no matter what ails them or what concurrent treatment they are undergoing. Pain and discomfort which initially bring most people to see us are only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, less than 10% of the nervous system is involved with the sensing of pain and discomfort.

 They learn that symptoms and what we call disease are actually adaptive expressions of stress in our body /mind as it affects our entire physiology and cellular function via the brain and nervous system and thence all the other systems such as our hormone and immune systems. They learn that this stress -physical, chemical , emotionai -ie how we move ,eat and think- is largely created by our pathological thinking habits, lifestyle choices and our toxic environment- that are not in synch with our genetic cellular requirements. They are surprised to learn that the natural innate tendency of our bodies and our cells is actually for wellness, not disease, as most people think  They learn that we need to work with and trust more in this innate intelligence that is within all of us and stop” shooting ourselves in the foot” with our toxic living.

 Patients learn that chiropractic treatment by helping improve neurologic signalling throughout the body coupled with genetically congruent lifestyle  change powerfully assists the expression of this innate healing intelligence and helps diminish many of the effects of chronic stress in our brain and nervous systems manifesting as disturbances in cellular function and ultimately- symptoms and disease.